Accelerating the food transition

Triodos Organic Growth Fund impact report 2018

How investing in organic food and sustainable consumer businesses made a difference in 2018

Why do we invest in organic food and sustainable products?

How do we invest for impact in these sectors?

Impact framework

Portfolio results

2018 in numbers

These numbers reflect the entire fund portfolio. You will find more impact details in the case studies below.

Investments in European frontrunners

Triodos Organic Growth Fund’s geographical focus is on northern and western Europe. See where the fund’s current investments make a difference. Click on each to find out more.

European frontrunners

Read the case studies to find out more of each of the seven portfolio companies and discover how they contribute to the growth of organic food and sustainable consumer products.

Ecoffee Cup: Activating re-use for everyone

The cup stops here, according to Ecoffee Cup founders Ali and David McLagan. They are passionate about cutting out waste in the on-the-go drinks market. We talk to them about how they are trying to eradicate single-use cups and encourage more responsible consumerism.

Ecoffee Cup: Activating re-use for everyone

Are you an European frontrunner in organic food or sustainable consumer goods and looking for funding?

Contact a member of our investment team.

Want to know more about Triodos Organic Growth Fund?

Visit the fund page