As of 2 October 2018, 16.00 hrs, Triodos Groenfonds is temporarily closed for new inflow.
According to the 'Regeling Groenprojecten' (‘Green Regulation’) Triodos Groenfonds invests in projects that have been designated as green projects by the Dutch government. As part of this arrangement Triodos Groenfonds needs to invest at least 70% of its asset under management in these green projects.
This arrangement provides Dutch retail investors a potential opportunity to enjoy a fiscal benefit in income tax, depending on their personal circumstances. The reference day of the income tax statement is January 1st. Because we are nearing this date, the inflow in the fund increased significantly in the past weeks. Although increasing inflows are generally a positive development, in this case it meant that the risk that Triodos Groenfonds would drop under the 70% limit of green investments became too high. If this would happen, Triodos Groenfonds would threaten its status as green fund according to the 'Regeling Groenprojecten' and ultimately the investors' potential fiscal benefit. Therefore, the fund has been temporarily closed for new inflow. Investors that would like to sell their shares in the fund can still do so. We expect the fund to reopen for inflow early in 2019.
Please find the full press release (in Dutch) above on the right.