Yesterday, Triodos Investment Management’s newly launched profile funds have received the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. The new equity and bond mixed funds are managed to Defensive, Neutral and Offensive risk-return profiles. They are variations of the original Triodos Sustainable Mixed Fund, with the original fund being converted into the neutral profile fund. The original fund already had a Nordic Swan Label and two new profile funds can also carry the label as of today.
Reduce overall environmental impact
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel evaluates investment options based on several different factors, such as environmental footprint, social responsibility and proper guidance in the companies and countries that are the subject of an investment by a labelled investment fund. The funds must meet 25 mandatory requirements that govern the various ways a fund can impact companies. This will include, among other things, inclusion or exclusion of companies as well as transparency about the fund’s investments. All Triodos IM Impact Equity & Bond funds carry the Nordic Swan Label.

From niche to mainstream
The Triodos Impact Mixed Funds received the Nordic Swam Ecolabel during yesterday’s event ‘From niche to mainstream’ organised by Triodos Investment Management in Amsterdam. The event centered around the fact that sustainable investing has increased massively in popularity and that this raises the question how to know where sustainable funds invest in and how they truly contribute to a more sustainable society. In tropical conditions, nearly 100 guests witnessed presentations, contributions and discussions by amongst others Paul Tang, Economist and Member of European Parliament, Vincent Triesschijn, Director Sustainable Investing at ABN AMRO and Reinier van den Berg, Meteorologist.