Amsterdam Commodities NV

Invested through
  • Triodos Future Generations Fund
Asset ClassesListed equity
Impact strategyImpact Equities and Bonds
ISIN codeNL0000313286
Aligned with SDGs
  • Zero Hunger
  • Good health and well-being

Amsterdam Commodities (Acomo) is active in the worldwide sourcing, trading, treatment, processing, packaging and distribution of conventional and organic niche food products and ingredients for the food and beverage industry. The company, including Tradin Organic, operates in 19 countries, employs 1212 people and trades +500 products with more than 100 countries. Acomo is active in five segments: spices and nuts, edible seeds, tea, food ingredients, organics. The company's history dates back to 1908.

Investment rationale

Acomo distributes natural raw agricultural materials such as nuts, seeds, dried fruits and so on. These are typically healthy products. Next to this, with 40% of revenue being derived from organic products, the company also generates a significant share of revenue from organic products. We believe the share of revenue of organic will grow in the future, given that the market for organic products is growing faster than the total market for food and beverage products. Furthermore, Acomo brings together supply and demand of 600 niche food and beverage products. In doing so, it plays an important role in connecting (small) farmers with customers. Next to this, due to its wide presence in the supply chain for food and beverage products, it enables traceability of products, contributes to quality control of such products and it can help to share best practices (e.g. about organic products) with farmers. Finally, while Acomo's products are not specifically tailored to children, they are an essential part of their diet. As such, we consider that the company makes a significant contribution to health and wellbeing of children.