Paris, FranceInvested through |
Asset Classes | Listed equity & Corporate bonds |
Impact strategy | Impact Equities and Bonds |
Bloomberg ticker | BN FP |
ISIN code | FR0000120644 |
Industry group | Packaged Foods & Meats |
Aligned with SDGs |
Danone produces and sells dairy products, water, and specialized nutrition. The company is also organized around these three core products (revenue share in brackets):
- Essential Dairy and Plant Based (55%)
- Specialized Nutrition (30%)
- Waters (15%)
Within the main divisions, there's a wide range of products ranging from yogurts, to bottled water to baby food and plant-based products. Well-known brands are Alpro, Danone, Activia, Actimel, evian and Nutrilon. Danone mainly sells its products via supermarkets to consumers across the world. The company has a global presence, but the majority of revenue is derived from Europe (57%).
The company was founded in 1965 by Antoine Riboud. It initially produced glass bottles, but through acquisitions it became active in dairy. In 1972 it acquired the company that owned the Danone business (which was founded in 1919).
The company has more than 100,000 employees and is based in Paris, France.
Investment rationale
Current agriculture practices exhaust our planet and need to change if we also want to feed future generations.
Danone is a certified B-corp, which means that it has the legal obligation to weigh the interests of all stakeholders (including the environment) when making decisions. As a result of this, we believe Danone's agriculture practices are aligned with the limitations of our planet. For example, the company has developed extensive policies to limit deforestation. It has done the same to promote better animal welfare. Next to this, Danone's offering of plant-based products contributes to a diet that has a much lower environmental footprint.
In addition to contributing to a better agricultural system, Danone’s products also contribute to improved (physical) wellbeing of people. Yogurt, water and (again) plant-based products all have positive effects for the health of people.
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