
Lelystad, Netherlands
Invested through
  • Triodos Groenfonds
  • Triodos Multi Impact Fund
Asset ClassesPrivate debt
Impact strategySustainable Food and Agriculture
Hectares of organic farmland357
Aligned with SDGs

De Zonneboog is a biodynamic farm ran by Monique and Martijn Schieman. The farm was originally an arable farm, but later it became a mixed farm growing a wide range of crops and is is also home to cows, pigs, chickens and bees. Biodynamics is a type of organic agriculture in which everything - humans, animals, plants and the earth - is seen as interconnected. The emphasis lies on closing the loop, for example by making use of own manure. Also, the farmer's couple increases biodiversity on their farm by creating ponds, greenbelts and flowerbeds.