La Hipotecaria

San Salvador, El
Invested through
  • Triodos Microfinance Fund
  • Triodos Multi Impact Fund
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Defensive
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Balanced
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Offensive
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Dynamic
Asset ClassesPrivate debt
Impact strategyFinancial Inclusion
Aligned with SDGs

La Hipotecaria is a residential mortgage finance company focusing on low and lower-middle income borrowers in El Salvador.

Inadequate housing is endemic through El Salvador and most critically felt in cities and towns. Continued migration to urban areas is likely to exacerbate the situation, and access to mortgage loans for certain groups is limited. La Hipotecaria addresses this challenge and targets the low and lower-middle income population who are unserved or underserved by the traditional home mortgage finance providers. It provides mortgage loans to formally employed people, for owner-occupied properties, both new and used.