
Novi Sad, Serbiawww.3bank.rs/
Invested through
  • Triodos Microfinance Fund
  • Triodos Fair Share Fund
  • Triodos Multi Impact Fund
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Defensive
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Balanced
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Offensive
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Dynamic
Asset ClassesPrivate equity
Impact strategyFinancial Inclusion
Number of borrowers reached59,572
Number of savers reached19,061
Female borrowers33%
Rural borrowers64%
Aligned with SDGs
  • No poverty

3Bank (formerly known as Opportunity Bank Serbia) provides a range of financial services to underserved people and businesses in Serbia. 3Bank's employees drive from village to village helping enterprising people start a business; they offer a new outlook for the widespread unemployment in rural areas.

By lending to small-scale businesses and individuals, 3Bank enables people to advance both themselves and their entire communities. The bank has developed internet-based training on how to save, because almost 70% of the population have less than 200 euros in savings in case of an emergency.

3Bank is a member of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values, a network of values-driven banks using finance to deliver sustainable economic, social and environmental development