Invested through |
Asset Classes | Listed equity |
Impact strategy | Impact Equities and Bonds |
Bloomberg ticker | RMD US |
ISIN code | US7611521078 |
Industry group | Health Care Equipment & Services |
Aligned with SDGs |
The Australian company ResMed is the global leader in end-to-end solutions for sleep and respiratory care. It is a connected health company with more than 5 million cloud-connected. Its products are designed to diagnose, treat and manage sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other respiratory conditions, and aim to improve patient quality of life, reduce the impact of chronic disease and lower healthcare costs. ResMed's purpose is to change lives with every breath. ResMed is dual-listed in Australia and the US.
Investment rationale
Alignment with Triodos Transitions: 100% of revenues is aligned with the Wellbeing Transition. The contribution to the Wellbeing Transition comes from 100% of revenues related to the impact objective Health Care.