Invested through |
Asset Classes | Listed equity |
Impact strategy | Impact Equities and Bonds |
ISIN code | FI0009007694 |
Industry group | Media & Entertainment |
Aligned with SDGs |
Sanoma is a Finnish media and learning solution company. Sanoma’s learning segment offers learning solutions for primary, secondary, and vocational education (K12), including books, online learning and teaching platforms, school management systems and distribution of learning materials. Its media segments include a diverse range of media channels that provide information content as well as lifestyle content for children and adults.
Sanoma’s learning customers are students, schools and distributers mainly in Finland, the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Germany and France. The Media segment is focused on Finland only. Founded in May 1999, the company has around 4,000 employees and is headquartered in Helsinki.
Investment rationale
Sanoma Learning serves over 20 million students in 11 European countries, focusing on K12 pupils (Kindergarten and 1-12 grades). Particularly early childhood and primary education set the foundation for children to learn basic skills, such as writing, reading and mathematics, which enable socio-economic mobility and further educational opportunities.
Sanoma provides a diverse set of learning material and platforms for education and learning that can enable access to quality and inclusive education. The company’s digital learning and teaching platforms enable remote learning and monitoring of students as well as access to a diverse set of learning material. Sanoma uses authors from diverse backgrounds and experts with insights on stimulating diversity to create content to ensure students identify with the learning materials. Moreover, the company adjusts its learning materials to each local context to ensure it meets the curriculum requirements and offers digital tool to help students in K12 with reading and writing difficulties or those who have dyslexia. In addition, to react to teacher’s need in the pandemic, the company opened some of its digital learning services for schools free of charge.
Alignment with Triodos Transitions: In total 70% of the company's revenues is aligned with one or more Triodos Transitions.
70% of revenues is aligned with the Wellbeing Transition and 30% of revenues is aligned with the Resource Transition.
- The contribution to the Wellbeing Transition comes from 70% of revenues related to the impact objective Education.
- The contribution to the Resource Transition comes from 30% of revenues related to the impact objective Sustainable Agriculture & Forestry.