TPSolar Uden

Invested through
  • Triodos Groenfonds
  • Triodos Multi Impact Fund
Asset ClassesPrivate debt
Impact strategyEnergy and Climate
Aligned with SDGs

TPSolar started in the first quarter of 2018 with the construction of its solar park with a capacity of more than 12MW in Uden, the Netherlands. The development started in the spring of 2016 in collaboration with the municipality of Uden. The project will provide approximately 12 GWh of green energy annually to more than 4,000 four-person households. After the construction of the project, the intention is to offer the power to local electricity consumers via the Powerpeers platform.

TPSolar develops, finances, builds and manages ground- and water-bound solar parks, socially and ecologically responsible. They do not do this alone, but in close collaboration with landowners, farmers, local residents, municipalities, provinces and energy cooperatives.