Invested through |
Asset Classes | Private debt |
Impact strategy | Energy and Climate |
Aligned with SDGs |
The current production and storage space at United Protein Works (UPW) started to become tight. That is why a new production facility is being built behind the existing building. This creates a larger, more efficiently equipped production area to fully develop the business activities as a supplier in the food industry again. Various innovative and environmentally friendly measures have been included in the design, including to save on energy and water consumption, but a transport plan has also been drawn up and charging stations for electric cars will be installed. An ecologist supervises the construction activities to ensure that the impact on flora and fauna in the immediate vicinity is limited. UPW produces semi-finished products according to customer-specific tailor-made recipes for customers in a number of segments of the food industry. In addition, in the context of the protein transition, protein structures are produced here in an innovative process that can serve as an alternative to meat.