Windmolens Groetpolder

Invested through
  • Triodos Groenfonds
  • Triodos Multi Impact Fund
Asset ClassesPrivate debt
Impact strategyEnergy and Climate
Aligned with SDGs

Windmolens Groetpolder has been operating a wind farm with nineteen wind turbines in the Groetpolder in the Netherlands since 1999. Thanks to improvements in technology, it was possible to produce more sustainable energy with fewer turbines. Windmolens Groetpolder has therefore chosen to restructure part of the existing wind farm. Of the nineteen turbines that already existed, twelve turbines were removed and replaced by six new ones within the same line, resulting in an existing line of seven turbines and a new line of six larger turbines. The six new turbines are from the manufacturer Vestas (type V100-2.2MW). They are wind turbines with a shaft height of 100 meters and a rotor diameter of 100 metres. With the restructuring, 7.2 MW of installed capacity was remediated and 13.2 MW was newly realized. On balance, the project led to an increase of 6.0 MW of installed capacity and a global doubling of the annual power production of the total wind farm.