Invested through |
Asset Classes | Private debt |
Impact strategy | Financial Inclusion |
Number of borrowers reached | 21,496 |
Female borrowers | 58% |
Aligned with SDGs |
Samunnati is a Sanskrit word and stands for collective growth, collective prosperity, collective elevation. The instittuion’s aim is to create an ecosystem for the agricultural sector, that improves the position of all players in the agricultural sector.
In India, smallholder farmers, representing 80% of the country’s farming community, typically have limited or no access to finance. In many cases the loans offered by traditional banks do not cater for their needs and often have long and tedious loan application procedures.
Samunnati addresses these hurdles and is solely focused on serving the needs of the agricultural sector. This is a sector in which the poorest segments of India’s rural population are dependent on for their livelihoods. It offers customised, timely and affordable finance to all players across the agricultural value chain; from the smallholder farmer, Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) and farmers’ collectives to agri businesses.
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